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Exciting news for 2024! We're thrilled to announce our brand incentive program, designed to reward the incredible individuals who trust and believe in our breeding selections at Twisted K Ranch, LLC! Every foal that we breed, raise, and brand is now eligible for a $1000 bonus once the original owner reaches $10,000 in earnings in NCHA, NRCHA, or NRHA. As long as the foal stays registered under the original owner, trainers can show and assist the owner in reaching this bonuThis is our heartfelt way of saying THANK YOU to everyone who invests in our program and proudly represents our branded horses!



Each foal is meticulously crafted through a careful selection of genetics combined with a strategic planning process. While we do have our own stallion, our breeding methodologies extend beyond merely pairing him with all of our mares. The journey begins with a comprehensive evaluation of each mare to identify their strengths and weaknesses. We then create a list of desired traits and potential enhancements, enabling us to research appealing and promising genetics, which we refer to as "hypothetical magic crosses."

We select a limited number of outside stallions, closely monitoring their performance, the success of their offspring, and their marketability. This diligent approach allows us to plan our breedings for the upcoming season in advance. Many of our artificial breeding selections are built from a committed partnership with different stallion stations, that will give input and strategic advice


Consequently, you will find categories below that commence with our oldest foals for sale, to our confirmed in-utero foals, as well as our planned foals for 2026. Foals and in-utero crosses can be acquired with a deposit and contract. The hypothetical crosses for 2026 are provided for reference but we invite you to subscribe to our page to be notified when a cross is confirmed at 45 days of pregnancy if it is one you are interested in.

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Metallic Spark X Little Money Cat

2025 In Utero Foal 



Twisted K Ranch, LLC added incentives

NRCHA Stallion Stakes







Boonified X Little Money Cat


2026 Hypothetical Cross


$ TBD at time of conception ​

NCHA Super Stakes
NRCHA Stallion Stakes
Breeders Invitational

Twisted K Ranch, LLC added incentives​​​




Caps Smart Dude X Forget Me Fayemous 

2026 Hypothetical Cross


$ TBD at time of conception​

Twisted K Ranch, LLC added incentives​​​​​


High Brow CD X Forget Me Fayemous 

2025 In Utero Foal​



NCHA Super Stakes
Breeders Invitational
NRCHA Stallion Stakes
Legendary Stakes
Royal Crown Roping

Twisted K Ranch, LLC added incentives


High Brow CD X WP Spirit Smokin


2026 Hypothetical Cross


$ TBD at time of conception 

NCHA Super Stakes
Breeders Invitational
NRCHA Stallion Stakes
Legendary Stakes
Royal Crown Roping

Twisted K Ranch, LLC added incentives


Caps Smart Dude X Lil Pintas Playgirl

2026 Hypothetical Cross


$ TBD at time of conception​

Twisted K Ranch, LLC added incentives​​​​​



Boonified X Smokes Mahogany Gal

2025 In Utero Foal​



NCHA Super Stakes
NRCHA Stallion Stakes
Breeders Invitational

Twisted K Ranch, LLC added incentives​​​




Caps Smart Dude X Smokes Mahogany Gal

2026 Hypothetical Cross


$ TBD at time of conception​

Twisted K Ranch, LLC added incentives​​​​​





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